Felsted is a charming village with many places to eat and drink and is a great stopping off point on a walk or cycle around the district.
Felsted, home to a renowned public school, is a charming village with many places to eat and drink and is a great stopping off point on a walk or cycle around the district. The recreation ground has some excellent play equipment for kids to blow off some steam. A delicious slice of cake awaits you in the Wood Cottage Tearoom or relax with a coffee and browse the bookshelves at Rumblebees, where live music also awaits you if you visit on a Sunday.
Keep an eye out for Boote House whilst walking around the village. The building was built by a local builder who was so pleased with himself he carved ‘George Boote made this house: 1596’ into the timber. The unusual carving of the Felsted Hag, a naked lady with cloven feet, has led to many interpretations over the years. Was she meant to depict George Boote’s wife or an homage to the only convicted witch in Felsted’s history, Alice Alberte, who was tried 3 years prior for bewitching dozens of sheep, a pig, a cow and its calf.
In Stebbing look out for The Mount which is the remains of a Motte castle dating back to Norman times and is the oldest known part of Stebbing.
For breakfast or lunch with a different type of view head to Andrewsfield Millibar at Saling Airfield just outside Stebbing where you can watch the planes take off whilst enjoying your meal.
Read more about Andrewsfield Millibar here.
Little Dunmow
Little Dunmow is a charming village situated in the vale of the River Chelmer just 3 miles from neighbouring Great Dunmow. The church merits a visit with some elements dating back to the 12th century. One of the notable features is the tomb of Matilda Fitzwalter, believed to have been the inspiration for the fictional character of Maid Marion from the Robin Hood tales.