Coronation Celebrations in Saffron Walden
The bunting is up! Saffron Walden Town Council is delighted to be hosting several events to mark The Coronation of The King and The Queen Consort this coming May. With a little over a week to go, the programme of events includes:
Saturday 6th May: From 10am SWTC and Saffron Walden Museum will welcome you to Walden Castle to capture the Kings Procession, followed by the live broadcast of The Coronation Service at Westminster Abbey at 10.30am.
At 2.30pm the much-loved family favourite film, Paddington, will be streamed too!
There will be food and drink options available on site but feel free to bring a picnic! Saffron Walden Museum will also be open to visit with Coronation Crown crafting for £5 per child.
The celebrations continue on Sunday 7th May to celebrate the national ‘Coronation Big Lunch’ from 11.30am until 4pm in Jubilee Garden, with live music in the band stand by Fairycroft House. Refreshments will be available and a charity tombola with fantastic prizes up for grabs, from local businesses. Come and share friendship, food and fun within Jubilee Garden.
The fun does not end there! SWTC and Saffron Walden Museum together will be hosting a live open-air streaming of the BBC Coronation Concert from Windsor Castle, doors will open at 6.30pm with the concert starting at 8pm. There will be licensed bars on site and a ‘pre-order food collection initiative’ with the support of Saffron Walden Business Improvement District.
All events are FREE to attend, and no booking is required.
Said a SWTC spokesperson “We are proud to be hosting this wonderful programme of events to celebrate The Coronation of the King and The Queen Consort. We hope everyone can join in on the festivities during this wonderful weekend of inclusive community events. Another huge thank you to all the Town Council’s sponsors and supporters.”
Leaflets with details of the weekend of events can be picked up from the Tourist Information Centre.